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Seheon Jang
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Enginnering, Seoul National University
Ph.D., 2024 ~ Present

   Contact Info. 
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2021 - 2024
M.S. in Electrical Enginnering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
2017 - 2021
B.S. in Electrical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology



S. Jang=, M. Chae=, H. Park=, C. Hwang, and J. Choi*, "A 5.5μs-Calibration-Time, Low-Jitter and Compact-Area Fractional-N Digital PLL Using the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) Algorithm," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb. 2024.

   Awards and Honors


24th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition, Minister Award (3rd place), Nov. 2023.

30th Samsung Humantech Paper Award, Bronze Prize in Circuit Design, Feb. 2024.


[Tel] +82-02-880-1763

[Tel] +82-02-871-3986

Bldg. 302, Rm. 510-3

1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul,

08826, Republic of Korea

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